build your 


If you get butterfly attacks in your stomach whenever you're asked to speak before a group or you have difficu​lty organizing and expressing your thoughts and ideas then the Longview Evening Toastmasters club will help you grow your skills and confidence.

The Next Level: Communications Skills

The Toastmasters experience is a professional avenue for personal development that offers memebers a multifaceted approach to honing essential communications skills growth


Confidence is a quality that is cultivated through thorough preparation, a deep understanding of the topic at hand, and a genuine passion for sharing knowledge.


A well-organized presentation  flows seamlessly, transitioning between ideas with coherence and ensuring that each point builds upon the last with clarity and confidence.


Leadership skills empbodies the art of effective communication skills, the ability to make sound decisions under pressure, and a commitment to serving the greater good. 

Longview Evening Toastmasters meets every Thursday at the
Pine Tree Community Connections Annex